Thursday, February 5, 2009

Women For A Change

It's been long since I blogged last. I have been busy; with work and home and this wonderful online community called Women for a Change! I had joined another ning community long back after a friend invited me there. Then one day, just out of curiosity, I was exploring ning, when I saw this page. Something pulled me there, not sure what. And I joined, just like you join orkut, facebook and other social networking things.

I never realized at that time I how much is going to happen there. This a a group of women, from all across the world. All, who hope for peace in the world, all who despair at the current state of affairs in the world, all who want to do something to bring a change - "to bring balance back to the world".

They all are coming together. It was started with the vision of one wonderful woman - Christine Crowstaff, and she was joined by her friend Jane Youn. Together the founded WFAC - Women For A Change. Christine's amazingly supportive life-partner and soon-to-be husband - Andrew Sampson provided all the technical help. Listen to her talking about WFAC...

And now the online community is growing rapidly.Today we are nearing 500 members. International chapters of WFAC are on cards. We are going to have online shops for fare trade. There will be an online art gallery. There are women artists, musicians and film makers coming together in support.

WFAC is planning a worldwide event on 8 March 2011, the Centenary of International Women's Day. There is so much to do. I'm really excited!

If you are a woman, I urge you to join the ning community.

If you are a man, who cares for this wonderful group and the idea of a world of gender equality, I urge you to join the facebook community.

I'll be back soon. With more from this lovely community of mine. :)

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